Tuesday, 27 Sep 2016 7:45 AM
On Tuesday mornings we walk a seven circuit labyrinth that is modeled on the 12th Century Labyrinth found in Chartres Cathedral, France. In the last thirty years, walking the labyrinth has re-emerged as a meditative practice and a symbolic image of pilgrimage, not in the geographical sense, but of the journey we each make through life: a journey to the centre, a return to the heart, back to the Spirit who faithfully waits for us.
The labyrinth is an archetypal image which emerged in different cultures over 4000 years ago; it is a mirror or metaphor for the spiritual journey and the evolutionary spiral of life. The Labyrinth is a single, spiraling path that leads to a central area. You walk the same path back out returning to the beginning. There are no tricks or dead ends unlike mazes.
The meditation lasts approximately 45 minutes, starting at 7.45am and finishing around 8.30am. We are usually a group of between 8 to 20 people.
Suggested donation £3 – £5. Please give as you can, according to your income. Donations go towards the running costs of All Saints Church.
If you have time you are welcome to stay for a light breakfast of tea/coffee and croissants; a donation of £1.50 is requested to cover the costs of breakfast.