Special Events

Autumn Equinox Beach Labyrinth Walk, from 7am, Saturday 21 September, Shoreham Beach

Labyrinths are archetypal spiral shapes dating back thousands of years and found in all cultures. We will create and walk a seven-circuit classical labyrinth using pebbles.

It’s a fun communal activity to build a labyrinth from pebbles on the beach and helping hands are much appreciated. Join us from 7am to build it or from 7.45am if you’d like to just walk the labyrinth. Meet on the beach opposite the Church of the Good Shepherd, West Beach, Shoreham Beach BN43 5LF. The walk is organised in partnership with the Church of the Good Shepherd. Breakfast at 8.30am if you’d like to stay on and chat – donations welcome to cover costs. In the event of forecast bad weather, please check this website on Friday 20 September for an update on whether the walk is going ahead.



Hope, Healing and Justice – A Space to Pray & Meditate in this time of National Crisis

8am-9am, Saturday 10 August, Church of the Good Shepherd, Kings Walk, Shoreham-by Sea, BN43 5LG and Online on Zoom

The Centre reconvenes tomorrow from its summer break for a special contemplative gathering allowing us to gather in community and solidarity with faith leaders nationally and to witness to the suffering of British Muslims, refugees and asylum seekers, black and brown people across the country, who over the last ten days have endured hatred, intimidation, violence and racist attacks.

Coming together in community we re-commit to active hope, healing and justice in our communities and as a country. Our time together will include gratitude for all those acts of bravery, kindness and solidarity which have been a visible part of this week, a practice of compassion opening our hearts to the pain of others and extending blessing to all people and all living beings, and a contemplative practice called Lectio Divina reflecting on how the core teachings of Jesus in the Beatitudes might speak to you at this particular time. No experience of meditation or contemplative practice required. Join in-person at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Kings Walk, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5LG or online on zoom. Email info@centreforspirituality.org if you would like to join online and would like to be sent the zoom link. Light breakfast for those who wish to stay on – donations welcome to cover costs.


The Heart of What Matters: Making Meaning in a Time of Crisis 

Friday 12 – Sunday 14 July 2024, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Suss

This weekend Circle of Trust® retreat is an opportunity to pause and see ourselves and our world afresh. We’re in a period of profound disruption and transition.  The multiple crises are calling for a radical response from each of us – radical meaning going to the root (radix).

What does a meaningful life look like now? What really matters?

During the weekend we will gently shift the focus of our attention drawing on intuitive and embodied ways of knowing, including the wisdom embedded in nature. We’ll explore our sources of meaning, not as ideas but as lived experience. Expect a spacious weekend with time to rest and renew.

The retreat is a call to come home to ourselves and connect to the heart of what truly matters.

For more details and to book: https://bit.ly/3Gw2wbS

What past participants have said about our previous Circle of Trust retreats

“What I loved about it was the meticulous care with which all aspects of the weekend were carried out, which enabled a great sense of safety to develop, and so the possibility of deep and meaningful work. It all felt fresh, and  as if it had been prepared with an attitude of love and care.” Pattie Horrocks, July 2022

“I felt like my essence was seen, acknowledged and reinforced. Wasn’t expecting that. Felt like a blessing.”  Salman Ahmad, September 2023

“What a gift of a day. Beautifully held in a magical place with a balance of thoughtful provocation and silent reflection. I came away feeling deeply content and restored.” Nicole Bradfield, January 2023


Midsummer Beach Labyrinth Walk, Sunday 23 June, Shoreham Beach

Labyrinths are archetypal spiral shapes dating back thousands of years and found in all cultures. We will create and walk a seven-circuit classical labyrinth using pebbles.

It’s a fun communal activity to build a labyrinth from pebbles on the beach and helping hands are much appreciated. Join us from 5.30am to build it or from 6.15am if you’d like to just walk the labyrinth. Meet on the beach opposite the Church of the Good Shepherd, West Beach, Shoreham Beach BN43 5LF. The walk is organised in partnership with the Church of the Good Shepherd.

Why not make a weekend of it and join a group of us travelling up to London for the Restore Nature Now march in London later on Saturday 22 June? This legal, peaceful, inclusive and family-friendly demonstration organised by charities, such as National Trust, RSPB, Friends of the Earth, WWF, and religious groups from all faith traditions aims to be the biggest gathering of people for nature and climate that the UK has ever seen. Travel with us on 9.12am train from Shoreham-by-Sea to London. The march starts at 12 midday.

The Wisdom Jesus, Study & Reflection Group

7pm-9pm, Thurs 4 Jan, Mondays 8, 15 & 22 Jan, Thurs 1 Feb 2024, online on Zoom

The sixth session is in-person from 10.30-2.30pm, Sat 10 Feb at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Shoreham Beach. This includes a shared lunch. There is also an option to join the last session online. 

Now fully subscribed

Re-discover Jesus as a teacher of radical wisdom and compassion, whose aim is nothing less than the transformation of human consciousness. Join fellow spiritual explorers on this path of inner transformation. Our time together will be guided by a distinctive set of practices will help create generous, gracious and trustworthy space for our shared exploration. We will engage creatively with the material in the book through meditation, poetry and art, silent individual reflection and exploration in small groups, as well as opportunities to share and listen to others in the whole group.  

Email info@centreforspirituality.org to express your interest in joining. The group is limited to 24 participants.




New Year’s Day Candlelit Labyrinth Walk  

2.30pm-5pm, Monday 1 January 2024

Church of the Good Shepherd, King’s Walk, Shoreham Beach, BN43 5LG

As we cross the threshold into a New Year take a mindful pause as you set your intentions for the year ahead.

Join us at 2.30pm for a story that weaves the symbolism and mystery of this archetypal symbol of the labyrinth with the experiences of labyrinth walks over the last 30 years. From 3pm-5pm you can drop in anytime to walk the labyrinth. 

Walking a labyrinth is a meditative practice.  We will walk a hand-painted five-circuit labyrinth modelled on the 13th century labyrinth inlaid in the floor of Chartres Cathedral, France.  No prior experience of labyrinths or meditation is required. Free – donations welcome.

Candlelit Winter Solstice Labyrinth Walk  

8pm-9.30pm, Friday 22 December 2023 

Brighton Unitarian Church, New Road, Brighton, BN1 1UF

As the seasons turn, mark the change in the earth and our own rhythms as we arrive at the shortest day and wait for the return of the light. In the Christian tradition this is the season of Advent.

Join us for a rich and special evening: a candlelit labyrinth walk, with beautiful vocal and musical accompaniment from Cathy Rowland.

Walking a labyrinth is a meditative practice. Labyrinths are circuitous spiral paths which lead us to a centre area; you walk the same path back out returning to the beginning. They are inclusive, archetypal symbols that have been found in different cultures for over 4000 years. We will walk a hand-painted eleven circuit labyrinth modelled on the 13th century labyrinth inlaid in the floor of Chartres Cathedral, France. We invite you to bring your intentions, hopes and questions into the labyrinth walk. No prior experience of labyrinths or meditation is required. Advance booking is essential through Eventbrite as numbers are limited.

Finding Joy and Aliveness in Chaotic Times – A Weekend Retreat

Friday 29 Sept – Sunday 1 October 2023, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex 

Join us on this weekend Circle of Trust® retreat at the magical Emerson College. Take a radical step to pause, listen deeply and renew your sense of joy and aliveness. Connect anew with the source and the ground of what brings you life. It’s then that joy and aliveness naturally arise. For more details on the retreat including booking please visit our Eventbrite page: https://bit.ly/3Muo9h7

What past participants have said about our previous Circle of Trust retreats

“What I loved about it was the meticulous care with which all aspects of the weekend were carried out, which enabled a great sense of safety to develop, and so the possibility of deep and meaningful work. It all felt fresh, and  as if it had been prepared with an attitude of love and care.”

“I felt welcomed and held in a sacred space that we co-created as the day weaved a magical thread through poetry, meditation, reflection, story telling, labyrinth walking and song”. 

“What a gift of a day. Beautifully held in a magical place with a balance of thoughtful provocation and silent reflection. I came away feeling deeply content and restored.”

Candlelit Autumn Equinox Labyrinth Walk  

8pm-9.30pm, Saturday 23 September 2023 

Brighton Unitarian Church, New Road, Brighton, BN1 1UF

As the seasons turn, mark the change in the earth and our own rhythms as we say good bye to summer and turn towards the autumn.

Join us for a rich and special evening: a candlelit labyrinth walk, with beautiful vocal and musical accompaniment from Cathy Rowland.

Walking a labyrinth is a meditative practice. Labyrinths are circuitous spiral paths which lead us to a centre area; you walk the same path back out returning to the beginning. They are inclusive, archetypal symbols that have been found in different cultures for over 4000 years. We will walk a hand-painted eleven circuit labyrinth modelled on the 13th century labyrinth inlaid in the floor of Chartres Cathedral, France. We invite you to bring your intentions, hopes and questions into the labyrinth walk. No prior experience of labyrinths or meditation is required. Advance booking is essential through Eventbrite as numbers are limited.


Sunrise Beach Labyrinth Walk, Saturday 2 September, Shoreham Beach

Join when you wish – build the labyrinth from 6.30am & walk the labyrinth from 7.15am

Labyrinths are archetypal spiral shapes dating back thousands of years and found in all cultures. We will create and walk a seven circuit classical labyrinth using pebbles. The picture is of a labyrinth we created last year here on Shoreham Beach.  It’s a fun communal activity to build a labyrinth from pebbles on the beach and helping hands are much appreciated. Join us from 7.15am if you’d like to just walk the labyrinth. Meet on the beach opposite the Church of the Good Shepherd, West Beach, Shoreham Beach BN43 5LF. Low tide is 7.33am – the sand will be wet so wear suitable footwear or go barefoot. Opportunity for a tea/coffee and a croissant afterwards – £2 donation requested to cover costs of breakfast.


Speaking to the Earth – Retreat Mornings on Shoreham Beach (fully booked)

10am-2pm, Saturdays 8 July & 9 September   

Two summer retreat mornings in the beach garden of the Church of the Good Shepherd on Shoreham Beach. In the first morning on Saturday 8 July, we contemplate the nature poetry of award-winning poet, Mary Oliver, and on the second morning the theme is experiencing the community of the earth with inspiration from the life of St Francis of Assisi. Each morning begins with some group time, and seeds sown for contemplation. There will then be space for individual quiet on the beach, in the garden or church. Art materials are provided, plus other resources for those who wish to make use of them. We finish with lunch (simple vegetarian food provided). The first morning is led by (Revd) Jane Bartlett and the second morning by (Canon) Tim Higgins TSSF, who for many years has been a Tertiary in the Franciscan religious community. Minimum donation of £5 requested. Numbers limited and pre-booking essential, please email bartlett.jane@ntlworld.com if you would like to book for either or both retreats.

Walk of the Universe: A Unique Weekend Walk in Somerset

Friday 2 – Sunday 4 June 2023, Somerset

We live by the stories we tell ourselves of who we are and why we are here. But how many of us have explored the meaning of the big story – the story of the universe and how it has led through 13.8 billion years of evolution to you.

Join Greg Morter & Nicole Leathley, creators of the Universe Walk,  John Watters and (Revd) Jane Bartlett, Co-Founders of the Centre for Spirituality for a unique weekend in Somerset where we will literally walk the history of the universe – 13.8km – over two days. On the walk every metre is a million years in time. Woven into the days will be the fascinating science of the universe, which Greg brings to life in a way that informs and also fires the imagination. There’ll also be moments for quiet contemplation, conversation as we walk together, and time to pause, reflect and hear from each other at the end of each day as we gather round the open fire. The visceral experience of physical sensing this unfolding story in our bodies whilst we walk the history of the universe from the Big Bang, or the great flaring forth, as it is also known, to the current day, is what makes this weekend unique.

Options to camp, bring a caravan/campervan or stay in a local B&B/Airbnb. Our base will be our own campsite in a field not far from Castle Cary in Somerset. All food for the weekend is provided including packed lunches for the walks.  Evening meals on Friday and Saturday are cooked over a roaring campfire and enjoyed with a relaxing glass of beer, wine or a tasty non-alcoholic alternative. All the food is abundant, vegetarian, home-made, locally-sourced where possible.

The cost for the weekend is £175 per person. Places limited to 16 people. The walking is in gently rolling Somerset countryside and you will need to be fit enough to walk 13.8km over the two days. Arrival is around 4pm on Friday and we finish around 5pm on Sunday. To reserve your place or ask any questions email info@centreforspirituality.org

Journey of the Universe: A Study and Reflection Group

Four Tuesdays in May: 2, 9, 23 & 30 May, 7pm-9pm, Online on Zoom

Join us on a four-week journey into awe and wonder as we explore the Journey of the Universe (Yale University Press) written by mathematical cosmologist Brian Swimme PhD and Evelyn Tucker PhD, Co-Director of the Forum on Ecology and Religion at Yale University. 

We human beings are storytellers. Yet we live in a time between stories. We lack a coherent, believable, inspiring story of evolution that connects God, humans and the cosmos. The old religious stories that tell of a distant, all-powerful God, who is remote from creation, no longer seem credible or life-giving. And yet the stories of scientific materialism which depict us as primarily selfish genes and the universe as having no ultimate meaning are equally unsatisfying. Discover a new creation story grounded in the wonder of evolution.

Rediscover how we fit into the big 13.8 billion year story of this mysterious, terrifyingly beautiful complex universe. We will use a distinctive set of principles and practices to guide our reflections and interactions as a group. These ‘touchstones’ help create gracious, trustworthy space for individual and group exploration. We invite a donation of £5-£10 to be made to Centre for Spirituality to contribute to the Centre’s running costs. You will also need to buy the book. To reserve your place, please email info@centreforspirituality.org

Earth Day Beach Labyrinth Walk, Shoreham Beach, Saturday 22 April

Join when you wish – build the labyrinth from 6am & walk the labyrinth from 7am

Earth Day is a global environmental awareness day and around a billion people participate across the planet. What’s a better way to celebrate the gift of the earth and all living beings which includes us human beings, than by creating and walking a beach labyrinth. Labyrinths are archetypal spiral shapes dating back thousands of years and found in all cultures. We will create and walk a seven circuit classical labyrinth. The picture is of a labyrinth we created last year here on Shoreham Beach. If you’d like to create the labyrinth then meet on the beach anytime from sunrise (6am). It’s a fun communal activity to build a labyrinth from pebbles on the beach and helping hands are much appreciated. Join us from 7am if you’d like to just walk the labyrinth. Meet on the beach opposite the Church of the Good Shepherd, West Beach, Shoreham Beach BN43 5LF. Low tide is 7.27am – the sand will be wet so wear suitable footwear or go barefoot.

Opportunity for a tea/coffee and a croissant afterwards – £2 donation requested to cover costs of breakfast.

Make a weekend of it and also join us the day before on Friday 21 April at The Big One in London, which aims to be a massive peaceful march and protest in support of nature, calling for more government action to meet our net zero legal obligations and protect our biodiversity. A number of us will be travelling by train from Shoreham/Brighton to participate in the No Faith in Fossil Fuels service at 12pm at St John’s Waterloo and then walk together to join the main gathering in Westminster Square. Email info@centreforspirituality.org if you’d like to join us and travel together.


A Winter Retreat Day: Listening to Inner Wisdom 

9.30am – 5.30pm, Saturday 21 January 2023, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex 

Tap into the roots of wisdom through cultivating the practice of deep listening. In a noisy world, full of competing voices, it can be difficult to hear our inner voice, and in the chaos of daily life we can be pulled this way and that and lose our sense of inner compass. During the day we’ll offer different modes of listening – to yourself, to others and to the wisdom that is embodied in nature.

In the context of multiple crises in the external world, each of us needs to learn to recover and remember this path to inner wisdom in order to light our way in these dark times. Our way of being together will be grounded in a distinctive set of principles and practices —the Circle of Trust® approach pioneered by Dr. Parker J. Palmer and developed through the Center for Courage & Renewal. These are practices that help create gracious, trustworthy space for your individual reflection and exploration while also honouring our shared humanity that arises as experiences and stories are shared. 

We will engage with poetry, silence, sharing of stories, being in nature and also an opportunity to walk an 11 circuit hand-painted canvas labyrinth. Our venue for the retreat is the delightful Emerson College set in 22 acres of beautiful botanic gardens in Forest Row, Sussex.  Expect a day that is nourishing for your soul.

You can find more information about the retreat on Eventbrite https://bit.ly/3UvJTJW 

The retreat is being co-led by John Watters, the Founder of the Centre for Spirituality and a facilitator with the Centre for Courage & Renewal. Please feel free to reach out to John with any questions:  info@centreforspirituality.org

Finding the Still Point: Living and leading from your centre 

12,30pm, 8 July – 1.30pm, 10 July 2022, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex 

Each of us has a still point, a place of clear perception and discernment, an inner compass that guides us through what can sometimes feel like the maze of life. Yet in the busyness, noise and challenge of everyday life we can lose our felt sense of connection to this inner knowing. In these times of great instability finding our still point is essential to renew our insight, strength and courage.

During this in-person weekend retreat we will weave together a tapestry of colourful threads as we explore these questions using poetry, silence, sharing of stories, being in nature, walking an 11 circuit Chartres labyrinth, creative activities and simple meditative practices. We will alternate time for individual reflection and journaling with opportunities for time in small groups and the larger circle to share and listen.

You will be introduced to a distinctive set of principles and practices —the Circle of Trust® approach pioneered by Dr. Parker J. Palmer and developed through the Center for Courage & Renewal – practices that help create gracious, trustworthy space for your individual reflection and exploration while also honouring the shared humanity that arises as stories are shared.

Spaces on the retreat are limited to 20 people. You can find more information about the retreat on Eventbrite https://bit.ly/3J2UiI1  

The retreat is being co-led by John Watters, the Co-Founder of the Centre for Spirituality and Barbara Hummel, a facilitator with the Centre for Courage & Renewal. If you are interested in attending the retreat and have questions, please feel free to reach out to John by emailing info@centreforspirituality.org

Summer Solstice Beach Labyrinth Walk

Anytime from 8am-9am, Saturday 18 June, Shoreham Beach 

Celebrate mid summer by walking a beach labyrinth in the cathedral of nature on Shoreham Beach.

Meet on the beach (anytime from 7.30am) directly opposite the Church of the Good Shepherd, West Beach, Shoreham Beach BN43 5LF. Low tide is at 9am. Arrive anytime from 7.30am if you’d like to help build the labyrinth. Helping hands to collect and lay pebbles for the path are appreciated.

Walking a labyrinth is a simple meditative practice and an act of pilgrimage, reconnecting with our heart and soul. No experience of labyrinths or meditation required. In the event of wet weather check back on this page on Friday 17 June for confirmation of whether the event is going ahead.

Opportunity for coffee and a croissant afterwards – £1.50 donation requested to cover costs.

From Darkness to Light – Candlelit Labyrinth Walk and Sound Bath 

7pm-8.45pm, Sunday 21 November 2021 

St Augustine’s Arts & Event Centre, Junction of Stanford Avenue & Florence Road, Brighton,  BN1 6EA

Join us for a rich and special evening of candlelit labyrinth walk, meditation and sound bath, evoking in symbol, simple ritual, poetry, voice and music the movement from darkness to light.

Many spiritual traditions hold this period of the year as a time of waiting in the darkness and looking forward to the return of the light. In the Christian tradition, Advent means “the coming” and the anticipation of the Christ light emerging in the world. The evening is an invitation to connect to our inner light, the Divine Spirit, within each of us, which guides us on our life’s journey, especially when the outer world can feel overwhelming and the darkness all too evident. Before we enter the busy time of December and preparation for Christmas take a couple of hours to pause, be quiet and reflect. Remember that it is in silence that we find the gateway to the soul, that deepest part of ourselves. 

There will be opportunity during the evening to transition, as you wish, between labyrinth walking, sound bath and meditative reflection using art materials. Labyrinth are inclusive, archetypal symbols that have been found in different cultures for over 4000 years. We will have a choice of two labyrinths to walk – a small 5 circuit labyrinth or a 7 circuit Chartres-style labyrinth. Labyrinths are circuitous spiral paths which lead us to a centre area; you walk the same path back out returning to the beginning. No prior experience of meditation, sounds baths or labyrinths is required.  More information and booking. Advanced booking required as numbers are limited.

Autumn Equinox Beach Labyrinth Walk 

On the beach directly alongside the Church of the Good Shepherd, West Beach, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5LF

6.30pm, Wednesday 22 September 2021

We celebrate the return of our labyrinth walks.  As the seasons turn, mark the change in the earth and our own rhythms as we say good bye to the light of summer and turn towards the autumn and the dark of winter. As COP26 in Glasgow approaches we pause to find our place and contribution in the struggle for climate justice. Responding to the Climate Crisis is a spiritual path as we heal our relationship with the earth and restore right relations with the rest of nature, learning again to cherish this sacred planet which is our shared home.

We will create a seven circuit classical labyrinth on the beach made from pebbles. Join us from 6.30pm, low tide is at 7.08pm.

Labyrinths are archetypal images which emerged in different cultures over 4000 years ago; they are a mirror or metaphor for the spiritual journey. The labyrinth is a single, spiralling path that leads to a central area. You walk the same path back out returning to the beginning. There are no tricks or dead ends unlike mazes. there is right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth and no prior experience of labyrinths is needed. The beach labyrinth walk is suitable for all ages – adults and children. Walking the labyrinth is a popular spiritual meditative practice with the path to the centre symbolising the reconnection with our true self, and if you are religious, people experience this walk as connecting with God, who is  present in all things and faithfully waits for us.

This walk is offered in partnership between the Centre for Spirituality and the Church of the Good Shepherd. Cash donations are welcome and all donations will go to the Marine Conservation Society.

We Walk the Path Together – Learning from Thich Nhat Hanh & Meister Eckhart 

Study & Fellowship Group

7pm-9pm on Mondays 4 Jan, 18 Jan, 1 Feb, 15 Feb and 1 March 2021

Are you curious about Christianity and Buddhism?

This study & fellowship group explores the common spiritual ground shared by Buddhists and Christians. Our focus is the book, We Walk The Path Together – Learning from Thich Nhat Hanh and Meister Eckhart. Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the world’s great contemporary spiritual teachers in the Buddhist tradition and Meister Eckhart was a Christian mystic who lived in the 14th century.

We will meet online for five gatherings spaced over the period January to March. Our explorations and discussions will be mainly held in small, facilitated groups of around six people and at the end of each evening we will come together as a larger group of eighteen people to share questions and insights. Each evening will also include simple meditation and contemplative practices.

The group will be co-hosted by John Watters, Avril Loveless and Rita Garner. We ask that before signing up that you check that you are available for all five sessions. We recognise life is unpredictable and we want everyone who participates to have the intention to be at all the sessions and to commit to read sections of the book ahead of each meeting. If you’re interested but have only limited experience of Christianity and/or Buddhism then email  info@centreforspirituality.org and we will arrange to speak on the phone and explore whether the group is a good fit with your interests and experience.

The group is free to attend although you will need to purchase the book. Places are limited to eighteen people. To book register on MeetUp or email info@centreforspirituality.org  


 Soil & Soul – The Wound & The Wonder

11am-2pm, Sunday 9 August 2020

Plot 22, Weald Allotments

Plot 22 Aug 2020

The beautiful space of Plot 22 will hold us as we explore the two experiences of the Wound and the Wonder. The Wound, so vivid in our own life and in the life of the world…In lingering to Behold the world of Nature we can allow the healing presence to reveal itself and fill us with – Wonder!   Could the two words, so similar in sound point to a connection between them?

Meditation will lead us into a receptive mood for exploration; there will be chant, gesture, poetry, experiential work, as well as kindness and care as always.   We will not be cooking together or sharing food so please bring your own food, drink, cutlery and cup.   Plot 22 has a larger covered space now, enough for participants to take shelter in a socially distanced way, if it rains.

To book please message Rita (07823 886837) or Lee(07766752085).

Feast of Poems and Food – Online

7.30pm-9pm, Friday 17 April 2020

Spring photo for Mailchimp newsletter

The photo taken in John’s garden signals the surging life and renewal of Spring. Join us on Friday 17 April for a feast of food and poems. Whatever our experience of this time, and the consequences of the pandemic are impacting us in different and varied ways, come together in community and solidarity over food next Friday. If you would like, please bring a poem to read and share. This could be something you have written or a poem that others have written that speaks to you of this time.

David Whyte says this of poetry: “Poetry is an intimate conversation with the wonders and difficulties of the world, a pilgrim path to a place where we are able to combine our fear, our fierceness and our faith to make a life we can call our own – no matter the difficulties that seem to surround us”.

The evening will be hosted by Avril Loveless, Rita Garner and myself. We will gather at 7.30pm for a welcome, say hello, have a short 5 minute meditation before eating together in smaller groups of around eight people where we can chat, eat and share poems in a smaller group. We’ll come back together as a large group for coffee/tea (or other drink of your choice) and maybe hear some more poems before closing our evening. We recommend you plan to have your food ready to serve for 7.45pm.

Sign up on Meet Up or email info@centreforspirituality.org. Numbers are limited so sign up early. The joining link for Zoom will be sent to you once you sign up. Please ensure you have a working camera on your tablet, laptop/desktop or smartphone so we can be together with video and audio view.


Study and Reflection Groups on The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr 

Groups in Hove and Shoreham-by-Sea starting February 2020

Universal Christ #2Richard Rohr is a Franciscan priest and one of the world’s leading teachers on the Christian contemplative tradition. In this book he invites us to re-imagine our understanding of the historic figure of Jesus born 2000 years ago and what he names the Universal Christ, the source of the Big Bang and the principle of divine love written into this evolving universe 13.8 billion years ago.

Join a small group (maximum ten people) and journey together over six sessions as we reflect on the themes and questions in the book through reading, meditation and contemplative practice and participation in a community of fellow inquirers as we discover “a forgotten reality that can change everything we see, hope for and believe”.

We ask that before signing up you check that you are available for all six sessions. We recognise life is unpredictable and we want everyone who participates to have the intention to be at all the sessions and to commit to read sections of the book ahead of each meeting. There is a choice of two groups: one during the day on Saturdays and the other on Monday evenings.

Hove group hosted by Rita Garner and Avril Loveless meets between 10.30am-1.30pm on Saturday 8, 22 Feb, 7, 28 March, 18 & 25 April. The group ends with a shared vegetarian lunch.  

Shoreham-by-Sea group  group hosted by John Watters and Revd Jane Bartlett meets between 7pm-9.30pm on Mondays 3 & 17 February, 2, 16, 30 March & 20 April. The group begins with a shared vegetarian meal.

Register on Meet-Up (using links above) or by emailing info@centreforspirituality.org


Conscious Ageing – Opening to Wisdom, Grace & Creativity 

1.30pm-5pm, Saturday 7 March 2020

Exeter Street Hall, Brighton BN1 5PG 

Comscious AgeingAt each stage of life we cross important thresholds. This afternoon workshop is an opportunity to explore the transition into later life. Crossing the threshold into ageing does not happen at a fixed chronological age; you might be 50, 60, 70 or 80 years of age or somewhere in-between.

Conscious ageing is a courageous and deliberate act of pausing, savouring and taking stock, whatever age we are. The workshop provides space and time to see what may be falling away or something you wish to consciously let go at this stage of your life. We will also consider what you wish to retain and carry forward as well what beckons you or calls you forward into new adventures. At each stage of life we cross important thresholds. This afternoon workshop is an opportunity to explore the transition into later life. Crossing the threshold into ageing does not happen at a fixed chronological age; you might be 50, 60, 70 or 80 years of age or somewhere in-between.

Through labyrinth walking, conversation, creative process and deep listening we will discover our elder wisdom and how this might guide and sustain us in the continuing unfolding of our lives. Enrollment is limited to 16 people so early booking through Eventbrite is advised.  



Sense of Wonder  

10.30am-4.00pm, Saturday 28 September  2019, St Luke’s Church Prestonville 

Wonder: the word itself conjures a sense of mystery. It gestures toward what it means to open ourselves—mind and heart—to the world around and within us. As a verb, wonder suggests the energies of the imagination: we ready ourselves for what we do not yet know, and dare to imagine. We will explore poets and theologians, mystics and artists, some of whose works shaped the heart of the Christian tradition while others gave their witness at the boundaries. All were joined in Socrates’ conviction that wonder is the beginning of wisdom, the impulse that opens our lives to the “more” that is always present among us. All knew in their ways that mystery shimmers in the ordinary, in the midst of where we are. Wonder at all of this holds the seeds of hope so needed in times like these.

Mark Burrows, our workshop leader, is a poet and scholar of medieval theology. A long-time resident of New England, he now serves as professor of religion and literature at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Bochum (Germany). He is the author of several books on theology and poetry, including Meister Eckhart’s Book of the Heart (2017) www.msburrows.com



Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu’s Book of Joy – Reflection & Fellowship Group

Options of two groups: Mondays 7.15pm-9.30pm, 29 July, 5th and 12th August 2019 in central Hove OR Saturdays 2.30pm-5pm, 3, 10 & 17 August 2019 in Shoreham-by-Sea (both groups are now fully subscribed)

The focus of these Reflection and Fellowship Groups is the Book of Joy. Two great spiritual masters, The Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu share their hard-won wisdom about living with joy even in the face of adversity. Both winners of the Nobel Prize and moral leaders of our time, they are also known for being among the most infectiously happy people on the planet. The book interweaves their own stories and teachings about joy, the most recent findings in the science of deep happiness, and the daily practices that anchor their own emotional and spiritual lives. “Joy is much bigger than happiness. While happiness is often seen as being dependent on circumstances, joy is not” says Archbishop Tutu. We’ll explore the eight pillars of joy: perspective, humility, humour, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion and generosity and the practices The Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu suggest to cultivate joy.

The group meeting in the evening will start with a shared meal and the afternoon group will start with tea and cake. We will then have time for reflection in smaller groups as well as an opportunity to hear from everyone.  Please read the Book of Joy in advance of the group starting.  (Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash)



“Silence is a dwelling place that is at once horizontal, allowing connection with the thisness, the singularity of everything, but also, at the same time, vertical. It allows us to find through those things doorways to the eternal.” Richard Rohr