Saturday, 04 Jun 2016 8:00 AM
We start with a short reading from the book, Coming To Your Senses by Jon Kabat-Zinn followed by 25 minutes of sitting meditation.
The second 30 minutes is an ancient form of contemplative practice called Lectio Divina, literally meaning divine reading. The invitation of Lectio Divina is to cultivate a heart-centred intimacy with the sacred text of the Bible, listening deeply with “the ears of the heart”, (St Benedict). Our focus in 2016 will be the 33 parables told by Jesus; each week we will hear one of the parables.
According to theologian Walter Wink, “parables are tiny lumps of coal squeezed into diamonds, condensed metaphors that catch the rays of something ultimate and glint it at our lives. They are the jeweled portals of another world; we cannot see through them like windows, but through their surfaces are refracted lights that would otherwise blind us — or pass unseen…Nor can parables ever be exhausted; they always contain more than we can tell.” Read more about parables… No prior experience of Lectio Divina or meditation needed.
Wear warm clothes!
Suggested donation £3 – £5. Please give as you can, according to your income. Donations go towards the running costs of All Saints Church.