Sunday, 09 Jun 2019 3:15 PM
Experience Lectio Divina, a contemplative prayer practice that involves four movements, often summarised as reading, reflecting, responding and resting. When we pray using Lectio Divina (which means divine reading) we see the Bible as God’s living words spoken into our hearts in this moment. Lectio divina is like reading poetry in that we slow down and savour what we read. Lectio divina has its roots in a Hebrew method of studying scripture called haggadah, an interactive interpretation of the scriptures by means of the free use of the text to explore its inner meaning. It was part of the devotional practice of the Jewish faith in the time of Jesus. The earliest forms of Lectio Divina as Christian prayer were from the desert fathers and mothers dating from the third century and then developed within the Benedictine monastic tradition. In lectio we are invited to listen to the biblical text with “the ears of the heart” (St Benedict). Come and try this ancient prayer practice for yourself.
The Lectio Divina practice will last for around 30 minutes after which there will be an opportunity to reflect on the experience and ask questions.
No prior experience needed. The workshop is free and limited to 25 places so booking required on Eventbrite. This contemplative prayer workshop is hosted by the Brighton & Hove Centre for Spirituality and is part of the Many Voices, One Spirit day at the Brighton Dome on Sunday 9 June. All are welcome.