Labyrinth Walk

Walk a seven circuit canvas labyrinth modeled on the 12th century labyrinth found in Chartres Cathedral, France. In the last thirty years, walking the labyrinth has re-emerged as a contemplative prayer practice and a symbolic image of pilgrimage, not in the geographical sense, but of the journey we each make through life: a journey to the centre, a return to the heart, back to God who faithfully waits for us.

The labyrinth is an archetypal image which emerged in different cultures over 4000 years ago; it is a mirror or metaphor for the spiritual journey. The labyrinth is a single, spiralling path that leads to a central area. You walk the same path back out returning to the beginning. There are no tricks or dead ends unlike mazes.The walk lasts up to one hour, starting with a short introduction, and finishing with a closing prayer. No prior experience needed. Please note you will be asked to take off your shoes for the walk. Liimited to 20 places so please register in advance.

This afternoon walk hosted by the Brighton & Hove Centre for Spirituality is part of the Many Voices, One Spirit day at the Brighton Dome on Sunday 9 June. All are welcome.