Sense of Wonder

Wonder: the word itself conjures a sense of mystery. It gestures toward what it means to open ourselves—mind and heart—to the world around and within us. As a verb, wonder suggests the energies of the imagination: we ready ourselves for what we do not yet know, and dare to imagine.

We will explore poets and theologians, mystics and artists, some of whose works shaped the heart of the Christian tradition while others gave their witness at the boundaries. All were joined in Socrates’ conviction that wonder is the beginning of wisdom, the impulse that opens our lives to the “more” that is always present among us. All knew in their ways that mystery shimmers in the ordinary, in the midst of where we are. Wonder at all of this holds the seeds of hope so needed in times like these.

Mark Burrows, our workshop leader, is a poet and scholar of medieval theology. A long-time resident of New England, he now serves as professor of religion and literature at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Bochum (Germany). He is the author of several books on theology and poetry, including Meister Eckhart’s Book of the Heart (2017)

Please note bookings need to be made in advance through Eventbrite:

Bring a packed lunch or alternatively go to one of the local cafes within 5 minutes walking distance of the venue.