Monday, 11 Feb 2019 7:15 PM
Mondays 7.15-9.30pm, 11, 18 and 25 Feb 2019
This Reflection and Fellowship Group follows the day with Professor Mark Burrows on Saturday 2 February. Our focus will be Meister Eckhart, the 13th Century priest and mystic and one of Christianity’s greatest literary and spiritual voices. This series of three evening gatherings offers the opportunity to go deeper in our reflections on the teaching of Meister Eckhart, allowing each of us to draw out the implications from his teachings for how we live.
The evening will start with a shared meal and then we will have time for reflection in smaller groups as well as an opportunity to hear from everyone, intermingled with poetry inspired by Eckhart, excerpts from Eckart’s teaching and time for meditation.
To register for this group we ask that you participate in the initial day with Mark Burrows on Sat 2 Feb AND commit to attending ALL three Monday evenings on 11, 18 and 25 Feb.
Book your ticket here for Saturday 2 February event: